
Start Date: 3rd June, 2019
End Date: 5th June, 2019
Description: 安徽合肥马派皮影戏首次登陆瑞典,为小朋友们奉上精彩演出。 皮影戏源自中国汉代,有两千多年历史。是非常珍贵的非物质文化遗产。它化繁为简的演绎手法吸引了众多观众。 皮质道具在光影的作用下绚丽缤纷。 舞台在Kristina女王城堡的一个小美丽的拱门中进行,非常适合后照木偶表演。 每场1小时,各有2场30分钟的剧目 时间: 6月3日(星期一)下午17:00,19:00 6月4日(星期二)上午9:00, 13:00, 下午17:00,19:00 6月5日(星期三)上午9:00 地点: 中国文化中心 Västra Trädgårdsgatan 2 111 53 Stockholm   Please book your seats at: 请将预定信息发送到 mail@cccstockholm.org OBS. Limited seats! 预定火爆,先到先得


Start Date: 3rd June, 2019
End Date: 5th June, 2019
Description:     The Hefei Mapai Shadow Theatre Troup is coming to Sweden for the first time, playing for children. Shadow Theatre is a 2000 years tradition, starting in Han-dynasty, but now unfortunately on it´s way to vanish, so this is a quite rare occasion. The scene is simple; it is the delicate performance that attracts the audience. Shadows of flat leather sculptures are projected on a white fabric screen with light, creating mysterious sceneries. The stage take place in a small beautiful arch in Queen Kristinas castle, perfect for rear-illuminated puppet show. Duration: 60 min (divided into two plays à 30 min.) Dates: June 3 at 16.00 June 4 at 9.00, 13.00 and 17.00 June 5 at 17.00 Place: China Cultural Center Västra Trädgårdsgatan 2 111 53 Stockholm Please book your seat here: mail@cccstockholm.org OBS. Limited seats!