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During the Northern Song Dynasty of China, Bi Sheng successfully printed books with movable type by using clay, making movable type became a new printing technology, which had a profound impact on the development of printing technology in China and the world.


The wood movable type printing technology is the essence of ancient movable type printing in China. It is still used in Ruian City, Zhejiang, and has been used for more than 800 years. The original flavor has retained its traditional characteristics, and people are still using this technology to compile and print their genealogy books. The craftsmanship of Ruian wood movable type printing technology is very sophisticated. Different characters have their special knife methods. There are professional and ingenious formulas for a quick selection of movable types. The printing and typesetting also have a rigorous format. The fonts presented by wood movable type printing are simple, solemn, and grand.

然而,这项技术所需要的精深训练、产生收入之低、当代计算机打印技术的普及,都使得掌握这门技术的工匠人数迅速减少。 2010年,由浙江瑞安市保存的“中国活字印刷术”被联合国科教文组织列入急需保护的非物质文化遗产名录。

However, the in-depth training required for this technology, the low income generated, and the popularization of contemporary computer printing technology caused the number of artisans who master this technology to rapidly decrease. In 2010, the "Chinese movable type printing" preserved by Ruian City, Zhejiang, was selected in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding by UNESCO.