“Guqin Study Class”

According to this year’s teaching plan, our center will hold a “Guqin Study Class” again from November 18th to 29th 2019, and invite the Guqin player Deng Hong to come to Stockholm. The classes will be taught in three levels: the zero basic class, the primary class and the higher class.
Please clearly tell us which class you wish to attend and which dates if you can´t attend´every class of the level chosen. Due to the limited number of places, the center will accept students according to the registration time. All the classes is free of charge.
Warmly welcome everyone to register through the email of our center: mail@cccstockholm.org

The specific teaching time is as follows:

(1)basic level class :16 students
lesson dates and time:
18/11、25/11 (Mo):14:00—16:00
19/11、26/11 (Tue):14:00—16:00
20/11、27/11 (Wed):17:30—19:30

(2)continue level class : 16 students
lesson dates and time:
18/11、25/11 (Mo):17:30—19:30
19/11、26/11 (Tue):17:30—19:30
21/11、28/11 (Thur):14:00—16:00
22/11、29/11 (Fri):14:00—16:00

(3)advanced class:
lesson dates and time:
21/11、28 (Thur):17:30—19:30
22/11、29 (Fri):17:30—19:30

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